Patented biomarker for cardiac injury. 

Patented biomarker for cardiac injury. 

cMyC Healthcare Economics (HECON)

Cost saving at Hospital level

St Thomas’ and Guy’s NHS Foundation Trust in UK have 840 beds, 218,000 emergency/urgent care attendances and are testing 7,800 patients per year for troponin. If high sensitivity Troponin I is replaced by cMyC on the central lab platform, the immediate discharge would increase from 15% to 32%. With this increase in discharged patients at first blood draw, they calculated that the below costs and bed-days could be saved[1,2,3,4].

Healthcare cost savings1,2
Free up bed-days1,2
2,500 bed-days/year

Potential cost saving for NHS

NHS in the UK estimates to have around 25 million emergency admissions per year[5].
Applying the above assumption and calculation related to 25M instead of 218K emergency admissions per year would result in the following cost savings.

Healthcare cost savings
£91 million per year
Free up bed-days
286,500 bed-days per year

Potential cost savings in the US

In the US, the CDC has calculated that there are 130 million emergency admissions per year (2018) [6].
Applying the above assumption and calculation related to 130M instead of 218K emergency admissions per year would result in the following cost savings every year.

Healthcare cost savings
$664 million* per year
Free up bed-days
1,495,000 bed-days per year
[1]: BBC (2017)
[2]: Kings College (2017)
[3]: NHS (2020)
[4]: Jack Marjot, Thomas E Kaier, Katherine Henderson, et al. A single centre prospective cohort study addressing the effect of a rule-in/rule-out troponin algorithm on routine clinical practice. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. (2019) Aug;8(5):404-411. DOI: 10.1177/2048872617746850
[5]: NHS (2020)
[6]: CDC (2020)
* Using Exchange rate £1 = $1.39  (2021-03-12)